Pastured Organic Eggs, One Dozen ~ PICKUP AT FARM (more info)

Our layer hens live on our pastures. They are never confined to a building. They forage freely on pasture plants and insects deriving up to 90% of their diet from the land. They receive as a supplement only certified organic whole grains, kelp (a sea grass, for complex and complete micro and macro minerals in perfect balance), aragonite (for calcium - more digestible than oyster shells) and a small amount of fish meal if protein supplement is needed during the coldest winter months. Even in winter they kick up leaves to find the over-wintering larvae.
We never feed soy to any of our poultry.

Due to the benefits of a natural diet on pasture, our eggs are highly nutritious and flavorful with dark orange yolks and proper fatty acid profile. Our production surpasses the standards of the National Organic Program. (Most organic eggs in the supermarket are from hens that do not live on pasture). Reports from the USDA and university studies show that pastured eggs contain on average:

40% more vitamin A
100% more vitamin E
300% more beta carotene
400% more omega-3 fatty acids
Higher levels of carotenoids.

Each dozen is a mix of white, brown, and green/blue eggs.
Fresh! ~ typically you'll be receiving them a day or two after lay.
Supermarket eggs can be up to two months old.

After we process your order you'll receive a text and email when your product is available for pickup at the farm. You may pickup at your convenience, 7 days a week.

Directions are available here.

SKU: eggs_12x

Price: $10.00

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